Engineered to meet Stormwater Protection Bio Swale requirements.
Improves water infiltration rate.
Reduces stormwater urban runoff and pollution, volume and velocity.

Recommended Uses:
Typically applied on 2:1 slopes or flatter at a minimum thickness of 2” – 3” deep.
Best Practices:
Easily applied by pneumatic blower truck on slopes or flat areas at a minimum depth of 2”-3” (270-400 cubic yards/acre).
Jet Blend Bio Swale Mulch can be applied around existing plants, directly on soil or over Geotextile barrier fabric.
Best used as a top mulch over Bioretention soil mixes.

Jet Blend Bio Swale Mulch is manufactured with shredded or ground, aged or composted, tree trimmings.
Particle Size: 4” minus (85% by volume shall conform)
Jet Blend Bio Swale Mulch
Has a Forest Floor / Arbor Mulch Appearance.
Contains shredded or ground, aged or composted wood from tree trimmings.
A minimum depth of 2” to 3” is the recommended.